Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the mynah has landed....

...and another one. and one more. oh wait, here's a set of triplets. and another teeny one.....

Not quite sure what happened this past week, but I've gone from 3 fledgling-plus mynahs to those 3 and then another 14 nestlings of various ages. Not counting the three small ones that haven't made it. I'm running out of space and containers!

And something that surprised me a bit today. I haven't seen pdoc for about 7 weeks now, and the last visit was mostly because I had to get a new script. I'll see him next week just to touch base and ask if I can lower the Tofranil a bit. The difference is almost all because of the dude, and I know pdoc will enjoy ribbing me about it again, but hey - he's earned that pleasure. WTF, I might even give him the stash wrapped up with a nice festive ribbon....

1 comment:

Aqua said...

AHHHH! So cute and teensy weensy.