Tuesday, December 30, 2008

and the world feels good today....

... there is something so basic about spending close-contact time with the dude, apart from his undisputed skill at it. It's weird, but afterwards I can really go out and slay dragons, and still drag them home, skin them and cook them for supper as well.

Today was one of those days for me - picked him up early, brought him home, had an amazing morning, and then we went shopping for camouflage shorts for him. He needs a new pair, and while they can be seen all over town on people, we can't seem to find any to buy. I said to him that I would even do the girlie thing and rush up to men and ask them where they bought their shorts, and he said that guys do that too. After a few more unsuccessful forays into clothes shops, I amended that a bit. Now I'm planning on rushing up to men wearing nice versions and asking them what size their shorts are, and if they are the size the dude takes, I'll draw my gun and make them strip off before running away at full speed...

Otherwise, bird-season still in full swing. Keep taking them to the centre, and keep getting more in. Today's sweetheart is a little weaver found half-dead in a swimming pool. He is now dry, noisy and full of attitude, and wants feeding every 15 minutes. Well, he says that that is what his real mom would be doing, but I suspect he might be stretching the truth a bit!

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